Friday, May 15, 2009

05-15-2009 Pictures

Well... I know I look like hell, I need a haircut, and no, I wasn't just released from prison... but.. I vowed to post pictures every weigh-in.. so here are todays. I don't see a lot of change, but I tried to 'pull in' my shirt so my body would show more clearly. Almost 40 pounds have been shed at this point!


  1. So, I guess you like horizontal stripes on your shirts??? ;-)

    Great job on shedding 40 pounds. In just one month???? That's amazing! Saw your comment on Chubby Chick's blog, so I came over to visit.

  2. You are doing great. I have lost over 160 lbs. Keep it up and let's support each other.

  3. Good Morning/Afternoon for you Don! I found your post on Chubby Chick's blog about strawberries a few minutes ago and seeing another 200+ "loser club" member on here ... I decided to stop by and follow your blog!

    I lost a good amount of weight following Atkins back in 03-04 and I felt phenomenal!! Like 60+ I think. I stayed on the first phase the entire time. I was working out at the gym before work four days a week so that helped tremendously. My position changed then I switched jobs totally so no gym before work and welp, no gym after either! The weight crept back on and then ....MOTHERHOOD. The weight came back and brought a bunch of buddies!!

    I'm not following Atkins this kinda expensive trying to make sure I had Atkins products place vitamins and Casein (sp?) protein shakes, etc. I'm also not exercising like I was then so I didn't want to do something with a lot of requirements right out of the gate again when I'm not doing everything I need to be doing. I'm just eating better, healthier meals, trying gradually increase my walking and gardening season is back so I'm glad about that. I'm trying.

    It sounds old and redundant to some, even myself, but I KNOW WE CAN DO IT!!! I've only JUST started blogging again this past weekend and I started my blog in JANUARY when I last tried to lose. I started eating better this past Sunday so I'm still trying to catch back up to the wagon I fell off of but it's within arms reach. I'll say I'm back on the wagon when 2 weeks have passed and I've still NOT gone to a drive-thru for crap food (you food) or cheated and eaten something that is supposed to be off limits for me right now. Maybe later when I've shed 100 pounds! I have 200...really 250 to lose but I'm trying to be patient and take it one day, one week, one month, and especially one pound at a time.

    GOOD LUCK..btw, like the header image.

  4. WOW all, Thanks for the comments. It's nice to have some new visitors and commenters. Mama.. you're right.. I need to get away from those horizontal stripes.. they serve absolutely no purpose except to make me look bigger... the choices for clothes at BIG N TALL are so limited.

    OMEGA.. congratulations on the loss and I like your two blogs. I'm sure Sunny and I are both there with support for your continued journey.

    Mighty.. From Chicago... Thanks for the post and background.. You're right ...WE CAN DO IT.. one pound at a time, if necessary!

  5. ... and OH.. Mama Bear June.. I've not lost 40 pounds in one month.. I've lost 40 total, since the first week or March!

  6. You really look amazing! I don't know why I never commented here before, but you truly do look wonderful, I can't wait to see you!!

  7. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Don! It's been 11 days and no new pic yet. I'm sure you're doing swell and if not..oh well...don't let it get the best of you!

  8. Thanks for the post, MightySG.. Sunny and I post pictures on the 1st and 15th of each month, along with our weigh-in logging. It'll be a few more days before our next picture post. We blog every day on our main blog

  9. You look great!

  10. Terri.. Thanks for the comment, and the visit to our blog. I hope you checked out the main blog page
